Posted by: marcialm | January 6, 2011

Webdevt Final Exam – Educate.Me

Educate.Me is a webapp where-in people and NGO’s can interact and exchange information. It is a portal that will serve as a center for spreading awareness.

NGO’s can register themselves so that they can post their projects and programs. These will then be seen by the public visitors. Visitors can also register so that they can partake and interact with NGO’s and other members. Projects and programs are plotted in a map, tooltips will pop up on hover displaying important information regarding them like Date and Time, Volunteers, Location, Theme, NGO’s involved and alike. Upon clicking, complete information can be accessed.  Registered members can signup for the projects and programs listed. Project heads will be up to date with their current project needs with this application. Current projects can be seen, and their milestones listed. Past programs and projects can also be checked for accomplishments and to see what has been achieved. Visitors can also donate via PayPal through the website.

Through this webapp volunteer awareness can be spread and help across the world can be achieved.

Existing Competitors: only registers you for updates regarding their projects. It is limited only to their organization.


mainsite –


Mockup Website:

note to sir:

Sir, you missed my #3 assignment, wow photoshoot. And facebook has renewed their facebook authentication so i cant seem to make the tutorial work. sorry.

With all due respect i have done everything and only missed 6 blogs and i only got 2.0 as a midterm grade. i believe i merit more than that and that the blogs shouldnt weigh more than the web developing works as this is a programming subject.

thank you it has been a fun term. i’ve learned so much and grew more than my past 2 or 3 terms.

Posted by: marcialm | October 28, 2010

Kevin Hale: How to Design Web Apps People Love

In this presentation, Kevin will be showing how to focus on user interaction in order to create an experience that users will love. Creating web applications is full of challenges, requiring extensive coding and computing power on top of the standard needs of a quality user interface. Kevin Hale is the co-founder of Infinity Box, Inc., a company seeded by Y Combinator and one of the creators of Wufoo, an HTML form builder. So just like Wufoo, an application has to be appealing, have the right information and be useful in many different ways.


Posted by: marcialm | October 28, 2010

John Ashenden: How to Make It Better

In this video, John Ashenden talked about the different tips to use in designing and also what to avoid in designing. He discussed a lot of important ideas to consider such as, concept – visualizes what the website is for and what it is going to do, content – helps dictates your site flow and visual design – which includes layout, media, color and typography and etc. Also here are some of his main tips for design elements; learning how to use Photoshop, building design in stages, using guides religiously and learning shortcut keys. Basically, his talk was about teaching us how to improve web designing by showing us interesting tips on design flow and structure.


Posted by: marcialm | October 28, 2010

Andrew Maier: Affordances in Modern Web Design

The speaker in the video is Andrew Maier, who is an Interaction Designer and a User Experience Enthusiast. Andrew Maier discusses and defines affordances, a concept that is rooted in psychology, and first manifested within a practical application in industrial design. Andrew then shows how to bring these concepts to web and interface design. Lastly, Andrew speaks to overdesign in interface design and how to avoid it.

As a designer it is essential to consider all possible affordances to achieve the best results with their creations. When people perceive the things that could be done with the product and actually do something in one form or another (hopefully the right form), its designer has done a good job.


Posted by: marcialm | October 28, 2010

ME! – Using jQuery to Extend CSS

Chris Coyier talks about the different uses of jquery. So why use jquery? Well basically because it is designer friendly, there’s a short learning curve and it is as simple as choosing a guitar. Jquery is a JavaScript library that is supposed to make coding JavaScript much easier and less time consuming. People that know basic HTML and CSS can quickly learn how to write a JavaScript script using jQuery. But unlike CSS, jquery offers a wider range of plug-ins which helps simplify animation. As a web developer myself I use jquery the most – simply because too many browsers don’t support CSS3 with all the goodies.



Speaker Jonathan Longnecker talks about ExpressionEngine and explains why it is a great tool for web designers. ExpressionEngine offers a great number of useful functions like security, templating, instant blogging, easy configuration and customizable tabs and other user interfaces.  ExpressionEngine is intended to be simpler to use than other content management systems; for instance, it requires no knowledge of php, and has extensive online documentation. After learning from Jonathan about how useful EE can be, I would highly consider using this type of CMS not just for me but also for other aspiring designers out there.


In this video, Grant Friedman discusses and demonstrates how to create your own Photoshop and Illustrator brushes and patterns. Basically all you have to do is just use paint and paper to create various effects that you can scan into a computer to reproduce digitally.

I have been using Photoshop for quite some time and I am still in the search for my design inspiration and learning other new design techniques. So it was pretty cool seeing him create it live, it gave me interesting ideas and that I too can also create my own Photoshop brushes and patterns.

Posted by: marcialm | October 28, 2010

Fabio Sasso: Design Inspiration

The speaker Fabio Sasso, is a web-designer from Brazil. In this video he discusses his personal sources of design inspiration and his challenges as a Brazilian designer using a programming language which is mainly translated in English. Fabio also explains 3 tips he uses to maintain his workflow which are necessity, challenge and business. First is necessity, for him to figure out what he wants to do and most importantly who he needs to do it for. Second is challenge, to give him the motivation on how to make his work superior. Last is business, which helps him separate his personal life from his professional life and focus only on his work.


Posted by: marcialm | October 21, 2010

Revolution OS

The video was a documentary that tackled the history of Open Source softwares.  I personally felt that the documentary was quite heavy, as i have little background knowledge on open source softwares, such as linux and gnu. I didn’t even know what their differences are to begin with. But this proved to be a very informative documentary for us information systems students as it went on.

GNU stands for GNU’s not Unix. It is a Unix like computer operating system developed by the GNU project, which was spearheaded by Richard Stallman. He worked at the Artificial Intelligence Lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His concept in starting an open source software is that anyone who sits in front of a computer must be free to be able to do anything he wants.  This was against the concept of Bill Gates who aims earn in respect with hard coded software. People then started to pick up on GNU and implement their own contributions for it. There is also the issue of support and that there is a monopoly of it when it comes to proprietary softwares unlike how Richard Stallman conceptualized support for GNU.

Linux comes into the picture as the kernel made by Linus Torvalds. From his words, “ entity, indivisible.” After one year Linux users jumped from 1 to 1000. By 1993, the Apache Web project started and this marked the start of the demand for Linux machines. As years go by Linux gained more and more users.

And thus the revolution os.

